Sunday 5/10 The Call
It was so great to hear this voice in our home again! And him being able use his iPad to use face time was like having him in the room. And it is so neat feeling like the family is one having a conversation rather then passing the phone around. He has grown so much but still is the Curtis that can make us laugh. He went to his first Yankee game last week. And on Saturday he had the special opportunity of all missionary's in his mission having a chapel session with Elder Quentin L. Cook one of the 12 apostles of the church. Curtis said you could just feel the change when he walked into the room.He made is a point to shake each hand and he said he loved to look into there eyes were just by looking he could have a spiritual look into there lives. The rest of what was taught and learned in that meeting I can not do it justice and bring the spirit of what was said. But has he was talking about Saturday you could feel the spirit feel the room.
Next month at Mormon night at Yankee Stadium his mission gets to join the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on the field to sing part of a song. And my worse fear will be coming true the want them to weary Yankee caps on the field.
He is loosing his first trainer at the next transfer and getting a new companion. This is sometimes hard cause they become like brothers to you. He has a neat Mission President he moved their pday to Wednesday because alot of the museums open up free at one time of another on Wednesday, and he wants them to experience that.
It was just so good to see and hear he is happy you can't ask for as a parent.
Sorry I have been behind again this should catch us all up
Hey Happy Birthday Mom!
Everything here is awesome. Don't worry about me getting hurt at all. The people here are awesome. This Saturday is going to be awesome! The entire mission is going to see Quentin L. Cook at the temple, and then we are going out to lunch with him and our Mission President. It is going to be so awesome. I can't wait! Oh and he isn't going on like a mission tour, but he is specifically coming to our mission. It's kinda scary.
Next month the mission is going to a Yankees game, and at the Yankees game the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is singing and we will be singing along in parts. It's going to be awesome! But, I'm sorry Dad, I will be having to purchase a Yankees hat....ha ha! They said we can wear hats but we have to be in proselyting clothes because it's going to be a media thing, so they want us looking like missionaries still. I am pumped for all of the stuff that happens here.
Oh, some funny news that has happened this week. Just to set this up, we had 4 sisters living in the apartment next to us, but they are shutting down their area so all of them moved out. Our ceiling in the bathroom collapsed and water got all over the place. We are pretty sure there was black mold everywhere. So we called the Super and the person in charge of mission housing. We were told we were going to have to go to the zone leaders apartment to sty there for a little while, until the hole was fixed. Which would suck because that would be 6 missionaries cramped into one apartment. So, Elder Burr decided to call one of the AP's that he knew really well and asked him if we could stay in the Sister's apartment for right now. So last night we slept and showered in the a Sister's apartment. It was hilarious! A lot of their stuff is still here, like quotes on walls and stuff and just tons of stuff. It was so funny. Anyways I will make sure to not tell you guys everything before the call Sunday.
Oh yeah, email me your Skype account information. I have one now or if you want, we can do Facetime. That works a little better. Just let me know your account info. We are wanting to call at about (blank time) here so it's about (blank time) there. I will talk to you guys Sunday. Have a great week.
Elder Schmidt