Elder Schmidt's letter from 06/10/15
I know this is getting posted a week late. But after thinking about it for a long time I thought it better not to post his letter.
Curtis had quite the week last week in the space of a couple of days he witnessed two people take their lives. One of them was a person standing very close to him as they were waiting for the subway and as it was pulling up the person jumped onto the tracks. Being in Oakland for about 15 months of my mission I witnessed a-lot of things that opened my eyes to life outside of Mesa in the 80's but I never witnessed someone taking there lives let alone two in one week. I could only imagine the feelings he went through. He debated about telling us so we won't worry about him. Just like most missionary's he tries to make us think nothing can happen. At the end of the letter he let us know in his way that he was he is processing it well, as he was talking about it he let us know that in both cases they were able to make both of their teaching appointments each of those days and were on time. That just made me chuckle a little bit that is what you call focus.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Monday, June 1, 2015
May 27th 2015
Hey everyone,
The Bronx is pretty cool this time of year. Everyone is outside
just hanging out opening fire hydrants and stuff hahah. It is getting
pretty hot now some days are better then others but the humidity is
definitely the worst part. When we walk anywhere we end up drenched in
sweat. It's pretty awful.
This last Sunday we walked with an investigator to church. He is from Nigeria which I assume is pretty
hot, but he said the weather in New York is the worst he's felt haha.
I am pretty surprised at how well I have been able to adjust here and
just as a missionary in general. We had interviews with president
yesterday and he said that a few missionaries had said that I am one
of the most prepared missionaries that they have seen. It really meant
a lot to here that, even though I don't feel quite that way. It makes
me happy to know that I came out at this time and not a year ago. I'm
happy I'm here now and having the experiences that I am having. I love
you all and hope you have an awesome week
Elder Schmidt
Hey everyone,
The Bronx is pretty cool this time of year. Everyone is outside
just hanging out opening fire hydrants and stuff hahah. It is getting
pretty hot now some days are better then others but the humidity is
definitely the worst part. When we walk anywhere we end up drenched in
sweat. It's pretty awful.
This last Sunday we walked with an investigator to church. He is from Nigeria which I assume is pretty
hot, but he said the weather in New York is the worst he's felt haha.
I am pretty surprised at how well I have been able to adjust here and
just as a missionary in general. We had interviews with president
yesterday and he said that a few missionaries had said that I am one
of the most prepared missionaries that they have seen. It really meant
a lot to here that, even though I don't feel quite that way. It makes
me happy to know that I came out at this time and not a year ago. I'm
happy I'm here now and having the experiences that I am having. I love
you all and hope you have an awesome week
Elder Schmidt
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Hey everyone, How are you all doing?
The Bronx is still the Bronx. It's hard to actually describe what the Bronx is like, so we came up with our own adjective to describe things here. The word we use is bronxy, like our apartment is bronxy or the people that walk around here are bronxy.
I'm doing great here. I found out that I know my area pretty well.
It's weird to have a missionary look at me and ask "what are we gonna
do?". I can't wait for elder Holtom to learn the area so that we have
two inputs for plans.
The other day we tracted a 6 floor building with
like 60 doors in it. It's a pretty small building here but it felt
like it was taking forever to knock all the doors, mostly because no
one was answering. We got to the bottom floor of the building and we
almost decided to not knock the floor because that is usually where
the super is, but we did it anyways. Almost half the doors opened and
were people who were pretty interested but one of them was my
A lady answered and immediately told us to come in and talk
to here daughter who was having a hard time. Her daughter was about 21
and her grandpa had just passed away. We taught her the plan of
salvation and she lit up. It is awesome to see all the little miracles
that are happening.
The work here is picking up slowly but surely. We
are constantly finding new people to teach and to serve. I know that I
am supposed to be here in this mission and in the Bronx. I know that I
was called by a prophet of God to share the gospel with the people
here. I know that everyday I walk outside the lord is going to put
people in my path who are ready to hear the message of the restored
gospel. I love seeing how important the gospel is to everyone. Every
time someone speaks to us they bring up something that is related to
the gospel. I love the feeling I get when I teach and I love seeing
people when they begin to understand the importance of everything we
teach. I love it here and I wouldn't change a thing.
Hey we have a family moving to Gilbert and university. Could I give them your guys
email or phone number? They are super cool. Let me know how you all
are doing. And let me know if I can do anything
Elder schmidt
Letters from Elder Schmidt 5/20/2015
Hey, I'm doing pretty good getting around my area is super easy now. I
wouldn't say I've mastered it though.
Hey, I'm doing pretty good getting around my area is super easy now. I
wouldn't say I've mastered it though.
Training is just a twelve week with it and I'm training my companion and
helping him learn the area and our district.
I can go through Jesus the Christ in my studies, but
we've been told to focus our studies on the Book of Mormon and preach
my gospel.
I am loving it here though. I found the perfect way to
contact people on the street here too. You just stand in front of them
and offer them a picture of Jesus. Everyone here loves Jesus.
The other day I got dared to approach these three dudes that looked like
they just got out of prison hahahah they all had the tear drop tattoos
and stuff. They turned out to be super nice and they loved
missionaries and what we do. They unfortunately we're to "busy" to
have us teach them but it's cool to see how everyone pretty much
recognizes us. Well I'm gonna end now we're going to Manhattan to do
touristy stuff. I will talk to you guys later. I sent a few emails to
mom and one to kyle. Check his out its pretty funny. If he won't show
you tell me and I will send it to you.
Friday, May 15, 2015
May 13th 2015,
Hey everyone!!!
I just got out of transfer meeting it was awesome my new
companion Elder Holtom is pretty cool, I think we will get along well.
I'm so excited to take my area over. It's kinda scary because I don't
know as much as Elder Sorenson did, I mean it's only my 2 cycle in the
I think that it will all go well though my companion is
awesome at working with people I can already see. I know that this
transfer was inspired, I could feel it as soon as I met my new
companion. I'm so excited to get to work and start tracking and
contacting. This week was so much fun we met with a ton of members who
are moving and helped them take care of some stuff. But yeah I'm sorry
this email is short I will try to send more next time but we are
really busy and we still need to go shopping. Oh but Matta's hot sauce
would be nice but not necessary and if you do maybe the habanero one I
don't know anything will be accepted
Hey everyone!!!
I just got out of transfer meeting it was awesome my new
companion Elder Holtom is pretty cool, I think we will get along well.
I'm so excited to take my area over. It's kinda scary because I don't
know as much as Elder Sorenson did, I mean it's only my 2 cycle in the
I think that it will all go well though my companion is
awesome at working with people I can already see. I know that this
transfer was inspired, I could feel it as soon as I met my new
companion. I'm so excited to get to work and start tracking and
contacting. This week was so much fun we met with a ton of members who
are moving and helped them take care of some stuff. But yeah I'm sorry
this email is short I will try to send more next time but we are
really busy and we still need to go shopping. Oh but Matta's hot sauce
would be nice but not necessary and if you do maybe the habanero one I
don't know anything will be accepted
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Sunday 5/10 The Call
It was so great to hear this voice in our home again! And him being able use his iPad to use face time was like having him in the room. And it is so neat feeling like the family is one having a conversation rather then passing the phone around. He has grown so much but still is the Curtis that can make us laugh. He went to his first Yankee game last week. And on Saturday he had the special opportunity of all missionary's in his mission having a chapel session with Elder Quentin L. Cook one of the 12 apostles of the church. Curtis said you could just feel the change when he walked into the room.He made is a point to shake each hand and he said he loved to look into there eyes were just by looking he could have a spiritual look into there lives. The rest of what was taught and learned in that meeting I can not do it justice and bring the spirit of what was said. But has he was talking about Saturday you could feel the spirit feel the room.
Next month at Mormon night at Yankee Stadium his mission gets to join the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on the field to sing part of a song. And my worse fear will be coming true the want them to weary Yankee caps on the field.
He is loosing his first trainer at the next transfer and getting a new companion. This is sometimes hard cause they become like brothers to you. He has a neat Mission President he moved their pday to Wednesday because alot of the museums open up free at one time of another on Wednesday, and he wants them to experience that.
It was just so good to see and hear he is happy you can't ask for as a parent.
It was so great to hear this voice in our home again! And him being able use his iPad to use face time was like having him in the room. And it is so neat feeling like the family is one having a conversation rather then passing the phone around. He has grown so much but still is the Curtis that can make us laugh. He went to his first Yankee game last week. And on Saturday he had the special opportunity of all missionary's in his mission having a chapel session with Elder Quentin L. Cook one of the 12 apostles of the church. Curtis said you could just feel the change when he walked into the room.He made is a point to shake each hand and he said he loved to look into there eyes were just by looking he could have a spiritual look into there lives. The rest of what was taught and learned in that meeting I can not do it justice and bring the spirit of what was said. But has he was talking about Saturday you could feel the spirit feel the room.
Next month at Mormon night at Yankee Stadium his mission gets to join the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on the field to sing part of a song. And my worse fear will be coming true the want them to weary Yankee caps on the field.
He is loosing his first trainer at the next transfer and getting a new companion. This is sometimes hard cause they become like brothers to you. He has a neat Mission President he moved their pday to Wednesday because alot of the museums open up free at one time of another on Wednesday, and he wants them to experience that.
It was just so good to see and hear he is happy you can't ask for as a parent.

Sorry I have been behind again this should catch us all up
Hey Happy Birthday Mom!
Everything here is awesome. Don't worry about me getting hurt at all. The people here are awesome. This Saturday is going to be awesome! The entire mission is going to see Quentin L. Cook at the temple, and then we are going out to lunch with him and our Mission President. It is going to be so awesome. I can't wait! Oh and he isn't going on like a mission tour, but he is specifically coming to our mission. It's kinda scary.
Next month the mission is going to a Yankees game, and at the Yankees game the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is singing and we will be singing along in parts. It's going to be awesome! But, I'm sorry Dad, I will be having to purchase a Yankees hat....ha ha! They said we can wear hats but we have to be in proselyting clothes because it's going to be a media thing, so they want us looking like missionaries still. I am pumped for all of the stuff that happens here.
Oh, some funny news that has happened this week. Just to set this up, we had 4 sisters living in the apartment next to us, but they are shutting down their area so all of them moved out. Our ceiling in the bathroom collapsed and water got all over the place. We are pretty sure there was black mold everywhere. So we called the Super and the person in charge of mission housing. We were told we were going to have to go to the zone leaders apartment to sty there for a little while, until the hole was fixed. Which would suck because that would be 6 missionaries cramped into one apartment. So, Elder Burr decided to call one of the AP's that he knew really well and asked him if we could stay in the Sister's apartment for right now. So last night we slept and showered in the a Sister's apartment. It was hilarious! A lot of their stuff is still here, like quotes on walls and stuff and just tons of stuff. It was so funny. Anyways I will make sure to not tell you guys everything before the call Sunday.
Oh yeah, email me your Skype account information. I have one now or if you want, we can do Facetime. That works a little better. Just let me know your account info. We are wanting to call at about (blank time) here so it's about (blank time) there. I will talk to you guys Sunday. Have a great week.
Elder Schmidt
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Letters for the week of 4/19/15 (Sorry was slow this week)
Hey dad I'm sorry to announce that I will be attending the Yankees
game this Wednasday hahah sorry i held out as long as possible lol
anyways we are getting a lot more investigators it's so cool I sent an
email to moms so you can read about one of our investigators hahah
ummm yeah everything is good here I got my package and all mail goes
to the mission office thank you so much I love the matching ties hahah
it came Tuesday. All mail comes Tuesday hahah all the hi chews are
gone and the jellybean so lol it was so funny elder Sorensen was super
excited for the ties lol thank you so much. How's home? I can't watch
videos for some reason but I got like 2 pictures oh yeah umm can you
guys set up a couple Skype accounts or let me know if you want to just
call and let me know the number so I can contact you guys umm I will
let you know the time next week probably if I can alright well I gotta
go hahah
This is Dad(Kevin) talking now. I could not have been more excited then when we found out Curtis was going to NYC. There is so much there and so many things to see and there is such a vast variety of people and cultures. The one thing that scared me about NYC and Curtis was the chance of becoming a Yankee fan and now this Wednesday he would be attending his first game. I think the only thing worse then him becoming a Yankee fan is if he all of a sudden said Dad I am a Cowboy fan.
I hope those who are reading this know that I am saying this all tongue in cheek. I and Kyle both had mission presidents that allowed us as whole missions to attend different things in the area. There is so much power when you are able to speak to the people in the area in which you are working and being able to say how much you enjoy things in their area and how great they are instead of ya I heard that they are neat or fun or beautiful, you are able to build an instant rapport that allows you to transition into a Gospel conversation cause it is almost inevitable you will be asked why you are there and what you are doing.
Here is a copy of Curtis's letter to Sondra for this week
Hey Mom,
How's home? The mission is good. I like it much. I am having fun. Just kidding, I am loving it here! We have a decent teaching pool now and we are still having to actually schedule appointments. This past week we met with some one named Kamara from somewhere in West Africa. I think Sierra Leone. He totally did not agree with anything. He thought it was a terrible idea to pray to know if one religion was true because he felt that it would condemn the others and he didn't want to sin by judging another church. But he said that he wanted to meet with us more so we said we could come over Wednesday's and we planned to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ because we felt it was very relateable to him and every other religion. We were surprise to see that Kamara had company over when we got there. One of the people was his pastor. We were so scared his pastor was going to try and rip us to pieces. He started to understand that our religion and his were very similar in belief so that was awesome. At the end of the lesson he said that he wanted to speak with us more and that we might have a few converts. It was ridiculous! Elder Sorenson and I flipped out that night! We are going to be teaching him tonight so I'm pretty excited. We are teaching a lot more people and it is awesome.
How are all of you? I hear everyone is having more fun now. I don't nee anything really here. I couldn't get a watch in China Town unfortunately. There were too many cops around, but I can go some other time to get them. We might get the Bronx pants today, but I don't know. We are kinda just playing basketball today cuz we are tired. Send me some questions and I might answer today.
Love you,
Elder Schmidt
Hey dad I'm sorry to announce that I will be attending the Yankees
game this Wednasday hahah sorry i held out as long as possible lol
anyways we are getting a lot more investigators it's so cool I sent an
email to moms so you can read about one of our investigators hahah
ummm yeah everything is good here I got my package and all mail goes
to the mission office thank you so much I love the matching ties hahah
it came Tuesday. All mail comes Tuesday hahah all the hi chews are
gone and the jellybean so lol it was so funny elder Sorensen was super
excited for the ties lol thank you so much. How's home? I can't watch
videos for some reason but I got like 2 pictures oh yeah umm can you
guys set up a couple Skype accounts or let me know if you want to just
call and let me know the number so I can contact you guys umm I will
let you know the time next week probably if I can alright well I gotta
go hahah
This is Dad(Kevin) talking now. I could not have been more excited then when we found out Curtis was going to NYC. There is so much there and so many things to see and there is such a vast variety of people and cultures. The one thing that scared me about NYC and Curtis was the chance of becoming a Yankee fan and now this Wednesday he would be attending his first game. I think the only thing worse then him becoming a Yankee fan is if he all of a sudden said Dad I am a Cowboy fan.
I hope those who are reading this know that I am saying this all tongue in cheek. I and Kyle both had mission presidents that allowed us as whole missions to attend different things in the area. There is so much power when you are able to speak to the people in the area in which you are working and being able to say how much you enjoy things in their area and how great they are instead of ya I heard that they are neat or fun or beautiful, you are able to build an instant rapport that allows you to transition into a Gospel conversation cause it is almost inevitable you will be asked why you are there and what you are doing.
Here is a copy of Curtis's letter to Sondra for this week
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Letter for the week of 4/13/15
Hey Everyone,
How is everyone? Today for P-day we are going to China Town, which is supposed to be a pretty hard place to get around but we have missionary that wants to take us on a tour. So, I might get a $20 "Rolex". That should be pretty cool.
This week was awesome! We had like 4 dinner appointments, which NEVER happens. One of them was this member named Brother Pepis who lives in a 1 room apartment above some people who I never had met. We were a little nervous to bring all ten missionaries from the Ward but Brother Pepis insisted. It turns out that the people who live under him are his family and they were having a huge Greek Easter Party. It was crazy! The video I'm sending is a full lamb being cooked over coals. It was awesome! IT was an awesome missionary experience as well because none of Brother Pepis' family were LDS. They were all drinking and stuff, so it was super awkward at first, but we started talking to them and really enjoyed their company. Afterwards we went upstairs to share a message with Brother Pepis and we talked to him about the Jaradite's boats an how we can be like the stones and be a light for others. As it turns out, Brother Pepis has made a Jaradite boat that works completely. It is at 1/60 scale. He is talking to the church to see if he can make a full size 60 foot boat. It's insane how smart/crazy this guy is. He is trying to create a new turbine to make a wind powered/solar powered car. He use to design boats and stuff....it's so crazy!
Anyway, this week flew by. We have found 3 new investigators who seem pretty solid. We also, in one day, found 10 potential investigators for the Sisters and the Spanish Elders. It is so crazy how much Spanish is spoken here. I have already learned to introduce the church in Spanish, but my companion can usually share a brief message and refer them to the Spanish Elders. It's like I'm in the SPANGLISH program! My companion says I will learn Spanish pretty well here because a lot of places here have a ton of Dominicans. In one of the areas English Elders actually ordered Spanish tags because no one will speak to you if you have an English tag on.
The area I am in is awesome! The members love missionaries, but there are very few members. It's about 80% or less and we have five sets of missionaries in the Ward. Last Sunday I went to the youth class (because they have very few youth. They all meet in one class.) The Elder I went with says our job is to make sure no one teaches false doctrine. I thought he was just kidding, but he was not! Ha Ha. The entire time we had to stop the teacher from teaching all these things that other religions do for Easter like Lent and Palm Sunday and all that stuff. It was so bad. The teacher talked about Christ like he believed in the trinity and stuff. Yikes!
The members here are awesome, but they are just very uneducated in the gospel. I am loving it here! The people are awesome. I've only been kicked out of a couple buildings. I love knocking doors with a passion. LOL! I know this is where I need to be. I love sharing the gospel. I am getting a ton more comfortable. My companion is trying to get me to campaign for AP. Ha Ha. We joke about the real purpose of missionary work being leadership positions or numbers.
It's been really fun. I'm on the subway right now going to China town and a guy just came in selling stuff. He calls himself the human vending machine. There is so much that goes on here. I love it! It's impossible to have a repeat of the same day here. Anyways, I'm sorry this letter isn't super long. Today has just been really busy and I didn't write any of this in a draft throughout the week.
Elder Schmidt
Here is a video and some pictures
This is a model of the vessel that brought the Brother of Jared and his people to the New World. This was made by a member Curtis met Bro. Pepis, he is going to try to build a full size one some day |
Some of the great art work you see on the walls in the Bronx! |
I can honestly say I never saw a sign in all the apartments I live in while I was serving in Oakland, ask us not to urinate in the hallway. I think this is my favorite picture yet. |
Curtis with his companion and trainer Elder Sorenson |
Here is a video with the meat turning on the BBQ spit. |
Friday, April 10, 2015
Elder Schmidt's letter for April 8th. Curtis talks about playing "Temple Ball" in Manhattan. The temple in Manhattan is very unique, the temple is in the upper floors of the building with the lower floors being a church office building, a chapel, and a culture hall with a basketball court. When you go into the building there is an elevator that is just for taking you up to the temple.
How are you all? I'm in the middle of my first week. Had some time, so I thought I would start an email to you guys. I'm doing good. We mostly knock doors. It's funny, we call ourselves the blood hounds because all we do is find that we rarely teach in this area, but it is awesome, We knocked like 200 doors today, literally. I am so tired but it's a good tired. Today we saw a precession for Easter where all these catholic people were walking down the street. The companionship that we are roommates with saw one with like 250 people and at the end of it all, they had hung a fake Jesus doll on a cross, They showed us pictures and it was crazy! hahah. I am loving the Bronx. There is so much to see. Tomorrow is General Conference and I will write more after that, so goodnight...... sorta kinda, not really.
Saturday General Conference was awesome! I got so much out of it, but there were so many talks on marriage and family, hahahah Oh yeah, We watched General Conference at the church, but in like a small room because more people show up from the Spanish branch, so they get the chapel. It was seriously just like just missionaries watching and that is probably what is going to happen today. It was so funny whenever marriage was mentioned we would turn to a couple of the missionaries that are going home the next cycle.
In between sessions we tracked because we seriously need to find someone to teach. After we were done, we went to a bodega and got what I can only describe as the greatest sandwich of all time. Chipotle chicken with chipotle Gouda (or however you spell that cheese) with an egg. It was so good! hahah. During the priesthood session we had root beer floats from the ward and that was fun. It's Sunday morning and we are about to study, I just wanted to write you some more, I will continue later.
Hey it's Monday today in the morning. My companion is in a meeting, so I'm just chilling. hahah. Today seems like it is going to be awesome. We aren't knocking any doors.
It is now Wednesday. Sorry if this email is super weird, hahah
I will get better at emailing some day, but anyways, Monday we ended up knocking on one door. It was a family from the Dominican Republic and the only spoke Spanish so we are going to have to pass them off to the Spanish elders. But Monday we met a man named Lewis and his wife Sydney and they are awesome. They asked us if we were able to go to their house and we were just like yes of course! hahah. They did like half the work for us.
To answer some questions our apartment address is 2415 creston rd. Our area is pretty ghetto, but I hear if you get below 154th street it gets really bad. hahah. Umm any mail.... goes to the mission office though. If Kyle wants to send ties, there are no rules on ties, anything goes. We haven't taught too much. It's mostly just knocking doors or going to parks to find people. A lot of the people here don't speak English, so I'm the minority. Everyone thinks that my companion is Dominican because he's black. It's so funny.
Right now I am sitting on a subway train and we are going to the temple to play some temple ball (just basket ball in the temple). hahah. We played yesterday at our building and I didn't get to use my half court shot. hahaha. So we will see how today goes.
Another little fun fact.... I guess that I am eating like ten times healthier. hahah. We eat salad and stuff all the time. Unless we are going to a bodega, because there we get the best and the least healthy sandwiches ever. hahah. Chipotle chicken with pepper jack and an egg! It's the greasiest, most delicious thing in the world! hahah
Oh yeah, and today we are going to buy what we call Bronx pants. hahah They are the most ghetto thing ever! The people here are awesome, but they sometimes just dress ridiculously. hahah
So yeah, that's what's been going on here sort of... You can ask questions if anything seems weird or if I didn't explain something well. I am not allowed to talk to much back and forth but I am allowed to receive emails every day and write drafts through out the week. So I will try to answer any questions and tell you everything as much as possible.
Elder Schmidt
Once we get a picture of the "Bronx pants" I will post them, for Curtis to call something ridiculous it has to be way our there. After all we are talking about the boy who would run up and down the street with his brother wearing morph suits!
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Hey Everyone,
I'm in my new area. I got my iPad! It's P-day......
My companions name is Elder Sorenson. He is pretty
awesome! He wants to go basketball contacting sometime,
so that will be cool. I don't feel like I'm in New York right now. Ha Ha
Oh yeah, I'm in an area called King's Bridge. It's the west side of the
Bronx. It's so cool! We are in the clerks office of our church building
emailing. It's pretty awesome here. The weather is nice. It snowed the
day we got here, which was cool to see. How are all of you doing?
I don't know what to write, so ask me some questions and I will try
to answer some later.
Elder Schmidt
(from my iPad)
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
3/31/15 Curtis was given the okay to call home from the airport before he left to New York New York. He let us know that he spent Saturday in the Urgent Care. Seems he had an allergic to his clothing detergent and he decided to blow up like a balloon. They kept him for a couple hours with an IV of Benadril and all is good. He sounded like he was ready to go share the Gospel. Watch out New York here comes Elder Schmidt.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
MTC emails. March 27th 2015
I sent a letter to dad that was for the whole family, but I got more time, so I will write some more to you. Ha Ha. The MTC is awesome as always. Oh yeah, I forgot to say who is all in my district. I will send pictures after the MTC if I can. My companion is Elder Nelson. We are staying in the same room as Elder Green and Elder Martin who are awesome. Elder Green is super smart but can get annoying and Elder Martin is pretty cool. He just has been on edge being companions with Elder Green and all. Oh yeah, and they are serving in Gilbert, AZ so that was cool to hear...I forgot to tell you that. Ha Ha. I always tell them how much I wanted to leave Arizona for two years. Ha Ha. But then there are the Sisters. Sister Zalaya who is going to the same mission. She is companions with Sister Bishoff who is also going to AZ, and then Sister Harman who is going to Canada, and Sister Lawrence who is going to Los Angeles. That is everyone in our district, but as a Zone Leader I am sort of over our branch along side Elder Nelson and I am over the new 8 Elders and Sisters in our branch/zone. It was crazy when they came on Wednesday and I got to kind of see how much I've changed. Anyways, life is good. Let me know how everyone is. :) I love you all. Ha Ha. Not really but sorta. Ha Ha.
Elder Schmidt
Hey Dad,
Thanks for all your letters and emails. First off, can you send me like everyone's email that you can, so I can write everyone in the family and stuff? Ha Ha. I am so pumped to get to New York though. I can't wait to embrace the cold. Oh, and I think this is just gonna be an email for everyone, just so I don't have to worry about writing two and when I get out to the field I will make sure to write real letters too, because there is just so much I wanna send. Ha Ha
The MTC is awesome! We have our last lesson with Ben, our MTC investigator, that we have been told COULD BE a real investigator or just a member. We have gotten pretty far with helping him see Christ in his life and teaching him the doctrine. I told him that we weren't there to just teach him and that it was up to him to put in the effort and make this something that he wanted. He yelled at me and told me that I could just leave. It was so freaky, but we got it turned around and he started to listen to us and HE PRAYED. It was awesome. He ready some of the Book of Mormon and prayed about it. He said he didn't feel anything but he promised to keep praying about it. We are going to be teaching him the gospel of Jesus Christ and ask him if he will talk to the missionaries in his area because this is our last time teaching him. We want him to be able to keep progressing.
Anyways, at the devotional last Sunday the head of missionary work talked to us and it was awesome. I wanted to share something his wife said. She related life to a piano and how the black keys represent the bad things and the white keys represent the good things. The important thing to remember though is that even the black keys make music. Ha Ha. I just loved that little metaphor. At the devotional Elder Hamulah of the Seventy came and spoke to us. He was the Mission President of Kyle's Mission before he served there. He talked a lot about faith and how without faith, hope is impossible, because there is no want. Sorry, I just keep jumping from topic to topic. I'm just super excited. Ha Ha. Um....tell Kyle he is lame and he will never be as cool as me. And tell Lexi that I didn't cry once. Ha Ha Ha. JK. I cried a lot! Ha Ha. Um, but anyways, I am learning so much and I can't wait to learn more. I will get back on in a bit to talk more, I just have to get my laundry.
Love you all,
Elder Schmidt
First Emails from the MTC. March 20th 2015
Hey Dad,
I'm doing good. It's awesome here. My companions name is Elder Nelson, he's awesome. We are starting to become friends and its awesome to teach and learn with him. The Dear Elder thing is working fine. I got your letter. The MTC is awesome and teaching is so easy here because the spirit is so strong here. It's hard and I am super tired all the time, but I'm learning so much here....and I can't wait to go share the gospel with people. I was mad a zone leader last night and I get to help next week introducing the new elders and sisters in our district. I got my flight plans today I leave on march 31st, I will be landing first in Georgia and then transferring to a flight to NEW YORK. Ha Ha. Sorry this email is all over the place. I just have been having a lot of things happening. Oh yeah, I SAW TREVOR MC LAWS! He is doing awesome! I might be able to get a picture to you guys some time, but he is doing awesome. He was so happy and It's awesome to see someone I know here. We started teaching lessons and stuff the first day and we haven't stopped. I didn't know they had real investigators here that they let the missionaries teach. Well, I'm gonna write Mom and anyone else I can now. Ha Ha. Thank you for helping me get here. I am so happy to learn and to grow as a missionary, and sharing God's purpose with others and helping to bring them to Christ.
Elder Schmidt
AKA: Curtis
P.S. My P-Day is Friday. Ha Ha
Hey Mom,
How is everything at home? Everything here is awesome. I'm learning so much about how to share the gospel and I'm learning a ton about how to listen to the spirit. It's awesome to see just how much I knew before the MTC. I'm so excited that i get to share this amazing gospel and teach them about the atonement because that is really what the gospel is about. And to see how anything you teach someone revolves around Christ and His atonement. We learned today that the purpose of a missionary is the same as any general authority and even the same purpose as our heavenly father. It's amazing to see just how important missionary work is and that we are literally acting on gods behalf. I told Dad about all my info and those things so he should tell you. Mom thank you for all the outstanding things you do for me. Another thing we talked about is that a parents purpose in the gospel is the same, to help your children receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, repentance, baptism, and receiving the gift of the holy ghost, and enduring to the end, and that's exactly what you and dad have done. Just like missionaries you couldn't force us to go on missions or read Scriptures or any of those things, but you taught us the importance of doing those things. Mom thank you for all that you have done for me, since I got into the MTC I feel like I would be making you proud. I have started so many habits that were hard before. I read my scriptures, pray (all the time), and I have cleaned up my language to be more missionary like. I can already see the blessings of these habits. I feel the spirit everyday when I teach and do the things missionaries do. Again, thank you mom. Ha Ha I've been saying that a lot but, that's because I mean it. Let me know how home is and all that stuff,
Elder Schmidt
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